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Guard Chair

Shadow Needed

Marcy Brizzolara


  • The Guard Chair provides general Assistance and Coordination for Guard Activities. 

  • They are a Communication Resource between the HHSBPA, the Color Guard, and Color Guard parents.  

  • They act as an Advocate for the Color Guard within the school and community, and assists with the purchase of materials and supplies (silks, costumes, accessories, weapons, etc) when needed in coordination with the vendors, Guard Coach(es) and Band Director.   

  • The Guard Chair maintains existing and future uniform inventory, including cleaning, fitting, etc. 

  • These tasks also apply to the Guard Chair during the Winter Guard/Indoor Guard season.

  • Attends all monthly Board meetings.

  • For the Winter guard season, the Guard chair may also attend all competitions, coordinate transportation to same, and attend Championships as needed or possible.

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